With all the possible effects of cancer treatment, the prospect of having a normal sex life may seem out of reach. But whatever your cancer, there are steps you can take that will help you increase your sexual enjoyment.
If You've Had an Ostomy People with ostomies and their partners have to learn about ostomy appearance, care and control. Women may be comfortable wearing special undergarments that cover a pouch while still permitting sexual stimulation. Specially designed and esthetically attractive pouches are available.
If You've Had a Laryngectomy Laryngectomy patients should be acquainted with how to deal with sounds and odors escaping from their stomas. Wearing a stoma shield or T-shirt will muffle the sound of breathing and will minimize your partner's feeling the air that is pushed through the stoma.
If You've Had a Mastectomy After a mastectomy, you may be worried about how you look. Undressing in front of your partner or sleeping in the nude may feel awkward and uncomfortable. That's natural, especially in light of the overemphasis our culture places on the sexual significance of breasts. Grieving over what you have lost is important. But with time and patience, most women overcome their self-consciousness and feel secure and comfortable with their bodies again.
• Some women have found it helpful to explore and touch their bodies, including the area of the scar, while nude
in front of a mirror. You may want to try this alone at first and then with a spouse, lover or close friend. Share